2005-03-31 14:26:06 UTC
Hi folks,
I will go mad if I don't find out what this movie is!
I saw it in the mid to late 1950s. It was a black and white movie
about a robot, and probably an American production. Some of the
scenes in the movie were very similar to scenes in "TOBOR THE GREAT"
(1954). In particular, the robot, when switched off, was housed on
what looked like a stage in a small lecture hall, and was encased in a
transparent cylinder. When the robot was switched on, this cylinder
would rise up and sort of drift away overhead. And there was a scene
in it where a group of men in suits were invited to see the robot, and
one of them was invited to approach the robot and strike the robot
with some impement (an axe?) - just like the scene in "Tobor The
There was a young boy and a young girl in the movie, I believe.. The
robot differed from Tobor, in that it had a proper glass dome-encased
head (similar to the head of Robbie the Robot in "Forbidden Planet").
The robot must have had wheels in its feet because when it walked, its
feet glided along as if on skates.
I think the robot went wrong or rebelled and went on a rampage. I
remember there was one scene where someone ran the robot down with a
car or a truck. I can remember the scene where the robot is stuck
under the front of the vehicle, and the driver is shooting at the
robot. But at this point, the robot may have been the goody and the
driver the baddie, I'm not sure.
It's possible I may have got some of the above facts wrong, but If
anyone can suggest what the name of this movie was, I'll be eternally
Thank you,
I will go mad if I don't find out what this movie is!
I saw it in the mid to late 1950s. It was a black and white movie
about a robot, and probably an American production. Some of the
scenes in the movie were very similar to scenes in "TOBOR THE GREAT"
(1954). In particular, the robot, when switched off, was housed on
what looked like a stage in a small lecture hall, and was encased in a
transparent cylinder. When the robot was switched on, this cylinder
would rise up and sort of drift away overhead. And there was a scene
in it where a group of men in suits were invited to see the robot, and
one of them was invited to approach the robot and strike the robot
with some impement (an axe?) - just like the scene in "Tobor The
There was a young boy and a young girl in the movie, I believe.. The
robot differed from Tobor, in that it had a proper glass dome-encased
head (similar to the head of Robbie the Robot in "Forbidden Planet").
The robot must have had wheels in its feet because when it walked, its
feet glided along as if on skates.
I think the robot went wrong or rebelled and went on a rampage. I
remember there was one scene where someone ran the robot down with a
car or a truck. I can remember the scene where the robot is stuck
under the front of the vehicle, and the driver is shooting at the
robot. But at this point, the robot may have been the goody and the
driver the baddie, I'm not sure.
It's possible I may have got some of the above facts wrong, but If
anyone can suggest what the name of this movie was, I'll be eternally
Thank you,